Isn’t it odd that on some days you accomplish more than expected and on others, you barely meet the deadlines? It feels like your productivity has hit rock bottom and you can’t seem to reach anywhere despite the mad rush.
Psychologists provide several reasons why people come across such days. And there are countless studies that present solutions to beat these phases. But there is one unique solution that’s mainly the product of time. It is digital gaming.
Even though the traditional mindset believes contrary, recent studies prove that video games can enhance the creativity of individuals.
Take the example of a recent study by four Brigham Young University Professors. They discovered that newly developed work teams could increase their productivity by 20 percent after playing games for 45 minutes. They also found other angles to this study, such as games might give rise to negative competition and feelings of resentment. However, the bottom line was that the initial results were reasonably positive.
It was crystal clear that exposing individuals to virtual gaming can significantly impact their work skills. Now the companies needed a new approach to deal with the issues of procrastination among employees. As Greg Anderson puts it, “Companies are spending thousands and thousands of dollars on team-building activities, and I’m thinking, go buy an Xbox.”
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For further reference, here are some of the ways that gaming interlinks with productivity:
It improves visuospatial skills
Playing video games is a visual process. You need to pay attention to the screen and make sure that you react instantly to all the cues. It requires you to track objects that move at high speed, spot more objects at once, and sieve out the irrelevant visual info.
All of these practices combine to boost the productivity of the players. They can refine their visual skills and use them in their professional lives. An enhanced set of reactionary skills will allow them to evaluate real-life situations in a better way. It elevates the overall mental capacities of an individual and helps them to execute tasks like a pro.
It enhances team spirit
Another reason why video games boost productivity is its ability to maximize team spirit. When people are playing in groups, it inspires trust and communication among them. The BYU study mentioned earlier is clear proof of this aspect. Video games can improve bonding among the workforce. It amplifies group cohesiveness that automatically increases the productivity of the workgroup.
The lead researcher Mark Keith concludes his study on an optimistic note. He states that “Video gaming may truly be a viable — and perhaps even optimal — alternative for team building,”
It boosts creativity
Creativity is an essential ingredient of productivity. If a person is creative, they feel the urge to pour down their ideas. They desire to escape the conventional ways of working and improve current systems. Such beautiful minds need polishing and uplifting so they can gain confidence over their ideas. And games provide this source.
Researchers at Michigan State University were determined to explore this aspect of gaming, they tested a bunch of twelve-year-olds on some tasks, like drawing and writing stories. The research revealed that the more computer games those children played, the more creative they got.
It is to note that Linda Jackson, who was the lead professor in this study, stated that creativity had no link with general internet use. Only gaming had that impact on children’s’ brains.
It improves problem-solving skills
A demanding boss and a tough working environment can be strenuous for your mental health. The pressure that shoots from these can lower down your commitment to the job. You feel that you cannot find solutions to the problems, and there is no way to handle the workload.
Digital games can act like an escapade in these conditions. You can go for casual games like Angry Birds by Rovio or strategic ones like Backgammon by Unlimited Games Mo. The former tends to relieve stress — meanwhile, the latter works to improve your strategizing skills.
All of these games have one common factor. They improve the cognitive flexibility of people.
It reduces anxiety and stress
At times, your mind craves for psychological detachment. Laziness takes the best of you, and you start feeling mentally numb. These are the days when your productivity hits the lowest bar. Check out the blog, Feeling fatigued? How not to burnout as a startup founder to know how to take care of your mental health on such days.
It is all because of the stress and anxiety of the daily routine. However, to our fortune, some virtual games can help us fight this mood. They make the players set goals and rehearse to achieve them. These games also provide feedback and reinforcement.
Eventually, your self-esteem will improve by playing such games. The boosted levels of self-confidence will then enable you to have increased devotion towards your job. Instead of feeling burdened, you will have the motivation to fight the pressures.
It stimulates the growth of new neurons
Research published in the 2013 issue of Psychology Today reveals that children and adults who play video games have a better shot at neurogenesis. That is, they can develop new brain cells and have increased the connection between different regions of the brain. These regions are usually those linked with language, motor skills, memory, and spatial attention.
Besides this, the challenging nature of games like PubG and Candy Crush enables the brain to retain its shape. All 85 billion brain neurons can then survive for a longer time because games help to keep them active.
Final Thoughts
Despite all the latest research, we cannot sweep off the problem of video game addiction under the carpet. It is a real issue. So before you leap towards gaming to increase your productivity, fix a time slot for yourself. Also, pick a genre that is compatible with your mental capacity. A careful selection is going to uplift your motivation.
Are you struggling to maintain productivity at work these days? How about going for online games to improve that?
Author Bio:

Ashley Rosa:
Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger. As writing is her passion that why she loves to write articles related to the latest trends in technology and sometimes on health-tech as well. She is crazy about chocolates. You can find her at twitter: @ashrosa2.