For new businesses, choosing the right web hosting platform for their website can be a pretty difficult task. The reason being, the availability of numerous hosting providers. If you have no knowledge of the hosting world, you might end up picking the wrong hosting service provider, which could prove to be quite costly. Plus, you need to understand the various hosting features required of your website before making a decision. For example, if you are a small business with not too much traffic on your website, then Shared hosting would suffice. But, if you are running a large website with high traffic, then VPS or Dedicated hosting is the best solution.
Apart from the different hosting types – Shared, Cloud, VPS and Dedicated – you also need to consider the bandwidth and storage. This is where it can get tricky as most hosting providers ‘claim’ to offer unlimited bandwidth and storage with their hosting plans. Plus, most hosting providers also offer a low hosting price for new sign-ups, which can get steep during the renewal period. Thus, these are a few things that could make selecting the right hosting provider a difficult job.
Some of the other hosting warning signs include poor customer support and technical assistance. To know how good a hosting provider’s customer support is you need to read web hosting reviews. This is the best way to find out if you can rely on the hosting company to resolve your queries/issues post-haste without it affecting your website.
Checking what type of security is provided with the hosting package is also essential, especially with the increase in cyber threats during the pandemic. Also, check if the hosting provider offers other essential add-ons that are critical for your business such as SSL certificate, website backup, domain registration, among others. This will ensure that you don’t have to undertake the difficult task of migrating your website to another hosting.
Like these, there are a few other web hosting warning signs that you need to watch out for. To know what these are check out this infographic!
21 Warnings That Indicate It’s Time to (Switch) Your Web Hosting Right Away [Infographic] by the team at