Have you got stumble across to make a choice between purchasing moonstone jewelry or cubic zirconia jewelry? Well, although both of these stunning and sizzling gemstones are quite unique and different with their individual traits and grading factors, still, if are still tussling to cheery-pick the most desirable and ideal gemstone jewelry for yourself, then we will definitely help you out to make the best choice.
So, would you go onto adorn that white-bluish moonstone pendant or that raging piece of cubic zirconia necklace that lends a crystal-clear beauty and timeless elegance. Moonstone Jewelry vs Cubic Zirconia Jewelry: Colour, Cut, Brilliance and Durability.
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Moonstone Jewelry & Cubic Zirconia Jewelry: A Basic Introduction

As far as formation and occurrence is concerned, moonstone and cubic zirconia are like poles apart. Moonstone, belongs to the feldspar group as a sodium potassium silicate of aluminium. Yet another name given to this mystic gemstone is hecatolite. Cubic Zirconia, on the other hand, is one of those few gemstones to exist on the planet that are not formed by the play and frolics of nature, but in man-made laboratories.
Cubic zirconia is one of the closest substitutes to pure and precious diamond jewelry. Gifting your spouse with a shining and shimmering diamond ring can indeed be quite hefty. However, a cubic zirconia ring will go comparatively light on your pocket while lending an authentic and alluring beauty that resembles to the crystal-clear beauty of diamond.
Let’s draw a vivid description between these jewels in the realm of gemstones based on multiple factors of beauty and grading.
The best moonstone in the market would usually lend an ethereal blue sheen, with a colourless and crystal-clear beauty and a reflective clarity. Moonstone can be found across a variety of colour hues that can compliment the spectacular appearance of its blue sheen. Some epic and marvellous colour ranges in moonstone grading includes:
- Blue moonstone
- Green moonstone
- Rainbow moonstone
- Pink moonstone
- Orthoclase
Moonstone ring that comes in crystal-clear to greyish hue with a transparent clarity and free of inclusions, is adored to be the best hue amongst all. To reflect the beauty of diamond, cubic zirconia is usually produced under controlled conditions in the laboratory to have clear and inclusion-free appearance. Usually, it comes in a colourless range.
However, as the market started demanding to cherish cheerful colours of gemstones, a slight range of colours got introduced to enhance the beauty of cubic zirconia jewelry. These hues include:
- Blue
- Red
- Pink
- Green
- Champagne
So, if you love to cherish the bluish sheen, then go for that mystic and mundane moonstone necklace. On the flip side, if you want to have a reflective beauty to compliment the charm of your personality, then go out for that cubic zirconia pendant.
The Birthstone Jewelry that symbolizes the auspicious month of June can range across being completely transparent to opaque. Semi-translucent moonstone jewelry has also started getting adapted in the market.
However, the best and the finest graded moonstone jewelry will lend a highly transparent and reflective body. Further, it should be free of inclusions so that its natural colour phenomena knowns as the adularescence can give the most spectacular performance to captivate the attention and eyes of everyone.
As of CZ stones, they are designed to appear flawless and crystal-clear as it is what they are priced for globally. Top-graded diamonds also tend to lend a highly reflective, transparent and inclusion-free appearance. To match such standards, cubic zirconia has to deliver the same clarity level.
As far as durability and hardness is concerned, cubic zirconia jewelry comes next to diamonds with a sky-touching score of almost 8.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Ahead to it is the diamond, that has conquered this list with a 10/10 levels.
Due to its high durability, it becomes quite convenient for small wearables like those glittering and sparking cubic zirconia earrings. On the flip side, moonstone is comparatively soft and delicate with not-so-satiating score of 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Make sure you are carrying that precious pair stud moonstone earrings with care and concern.
The brilliance of cubic zirconia is usually translated into its flawless beauty that appears like an embodiment detached from a heavenly deity. Its crystal-clear surface has no traces of microscopic chips and cracks. Such a smooth surface offers cubic zirconia a brilliant sparkle and stupendous appearance.
Further, when this crystal-clear beauty is blended with cheerful hues and colours, the beauty and elegance get multi fold. As far as the adorable beauty and brilliance of moonstone can be defined, adularescence is what standout it.
Adularescence is a vibrant, natural optical effect that resembles the shimmering appearance of the moon on a clear night. It gets its name from the mineralogist term for Moonstone, “adularia.” Adularescence occurs when a gem exhibits an appealing light that appears to float beneath its surface. With its milky and whitish surface, that emanates a charming and glaring beauty due to the inner-light that its crystal captures within, will make you fall for this divine stone born from frozen beams of moon.
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Having got a basic and vivid differentiation between cubic zirconia and moonstone, you are all set to make the most desirable choice so that you can take your beauty and charm to peak levels of exquisiteness.
And if you are looking for a trusted and reliable gemstone jewelry supplier to procure cent per cent authentic and high-quality gemstone jewelry, then we at Ranajay Exports would be happy to serve you with our services.